darknet  v3
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
darknet.h File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
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struct  metadata
struct  tree
struct  update_args
struct  layer
struct  network
struct  augment_args
struct  image
struct  box
struct  detection
struct  matrix
struct  data
struct  load_args
struct  box_label
struct  node
struct  list


#define SECRET_NUM   -1234


typedef struct network network
typedef struct layer layer
typedef struct detection detection
typedef struct matrix matrix
typedef struct load_args load_args
typedef struct node node
typedef struct list list


enum  LAYER_TYPE {
enum  COST_TYPE {
enum  learning_rate_policy {
enum  data_type {


metadata get_metadata (char *file)
treeread_tree (char *filename)
void free_layer (layer)
networkload_network (char *cfg, char *weights, int clear)
load_args get_base_args (network *net)
void free_data (data d)
pthread_t load_data (load_args args)
listread_data_cfg (char *filename)
listread_cfg (char *filename)
unsigned char * read_file (char *filename)
data resize_data (data orig, int w, int h)
datatile_data (data orig, int divs, int size)
data select_data (data *orig, int *inds)
void forward_network (network *net)
void backward_network (network *net)
void update_network (network *net)
float dot_cpu (int N, float *X, int INCX, float *Y, int INCY)
void axpy_cpu (int N, float ALPHA, float *X, int INCX, float *Y, int INCY)
void copy_cpu (int N, float *X, int INCX, float *Y, int INCY)
void scal_cpu (int N, float ALPHA, float *X, int INCX)
void fill_cpu (int N, float ALPHA, float *X, int INCX)
void normalize_cpu (float *x, float *mean, float *variance, int batch, int filters, int spatial)
void softmax (float *input, int n, float temp, int stride, float *output)
int best_3d_shift_r (image a, image b, int min, int max)
image get_label (image **characters, char *string, int size)
void draw_label (image a, int r, int c, image label, const float *rgb)
void save_image_png (image im, const char *name)
void get_next_batch (data d, int n, int offset, float *X, float *y)
void grayscale_image_3c (image im)
void normalize_image (image p)
void matrix_to_csv (matrix m)
float train_network_sgd (network *net, data d, int n)
void rgbgr_image (image im)
data copy_data (data d)
data concat_data (data d1, data d2)
data load_cifar10_data (char *filename)
float matrix_topk_accuracy (matrix truth, matrix guess, int k)
void matrix_add_matrix (matrix from, matrix to)
void scale_matrix (matrix m, float scale)
matrix csv_to_matrix (char *filename)
float * network_accuracies (network *net, data d, int n)
float train_network_datum (network *net)
image make_random_image (int w, int h, int c)
void denormalize_connected_layer (layer l)
void denormalize_convolutional_layer (layer l)
void statistics_connected_layer (layer l)
void rescale_weights (layer l, float scale, float trans)
void rgbgr_weights (layer l)
imageget_weights (layer l)
void demo (char *cfgfile, char *weightfile, float thresh, int cam_index, const char *filename, char **names, int classes, int frame_skip, char *prefix, int avg, float hier_thresh, int w, int h, int fps, int fullscreen)
void get_detection_detections (layer l, int w, int h, float thresh, detection *dets)
char * option_find_str (list *l, char *key, char *def)
int option_find_int (list *l, char *key, int def)
int option_find_int_quiet (list *l, char *key, int def)
networkparse_network_cfg (char *filename)
void save_weights (network *net, char *filename)
void load_weights (network *net, char *filename)
void save_weights_upto (network *net, char *filename, int cutoff)
void load_weights_upto (network *net, char *filename, int start, int cutoff)
void zero_objectness (layer l)
void get_region_detections (layer l, int w, int h, int netw, int neth, float thresh, int *map, float tree_thresh, int relative, detection *dets)
int get_yolo_detections (layer l, int w, int h, int netw, int neth, float thresh, int *map, int relative, detection *dets)
void free_network (network *net)
void set_batch_network (network *net, int b)
void set_temp_network (network *net, float t)
image load_image (char *filename, int w, int h, int c)
image load_image_color (char *filename, int w, int h)
image make_image (int w, int h, int c)
image resize_image (image im, int w, int h)
void censor_image (image im, int dx, int dy, int w, int h)
image letterbox_image (image im, int w, int h)
image crop_image (image im, int dx, int dy, int w, int h)
image center_crop_image (image im, int w, int h)
image resize_min (image im, int min)
image resize_max (image im, int max)
image threshold_image (image im, float thresh)
image mask_to_rgb (image mask)
int resize_network (network *net, int w, int h)
void free_matrix (matrix m)
void test_resize (char *filename)
void save_image (image p, const char *name)
int show_image (image p, const char *name, int ms)
image copy_image (image p)
void draw_box_width (image a, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int w, float r, float g, float b)
float get_current_rate (network *net)
void composite_3d (char *f1, char *f2, char *out, int delta)
data load_data_old (char **paths, int n, int m, char **labels, int k, int w, int h)
size_t get_current_batch (network *net)
void constrain_image (image im)
image get_network_image_layer (network *net, int i)
layer get_network_output_layer (network *net)
void top_predictions (network *net, int n, int *index)
void flip_image (image a)
image float_to_image (int w, int h, int c, float *data)
void ghost_image (image source, image dest, int dx, int dy)
float network_accuracy (network *net, data d)
void random_distort_image (image im, float hue, float saturation, float exposure)
void fill_image (image m, float s)
image grayscale_image (image im)
void rotate_image_cw (image im, int times)
double what_time_is_it_now ()
image rotate_image (image m, float rad)
void visualize_network (network *net)
float box_iou (box a, box b)
data load_all_cifar10 ()
box_labelread_boxes (char *filename, int *n)
box float_to_box (float *f, int stride)
void draw_detections (image im, detection *dets, int num, float thresh, char **names, image **alphabet, int classes)
matrix network_predict_data (network *net, data test)
image ** load_alphabet ()
image get_network_image (network *net)
float * network_predict (network *net, float *input)
int network_width (network *net)
int network_height (network *net)
float * network_predict_image (network *net, image im)
void network_detect (network *net, image im, float thresh, float hier_thresh, float nms, detection *dets)
detectionget_network_boxes (network *net, int w, int h, float thresh, float hier, int *map, int relative, int *num)
void free_detections (detection *dets, int n)
void reset_network_state (network *net, int b)
char ** get_labels (char *filename)
void do_nms_obj (detection *dets, int total, int classes, float thresh)
void do_nms_sort (detection *dets, int total, int classes, float thresh)
matrix make_matrix (int rows, int cols)
void free_image (image m)
float train_network (network *net, data d)
pthread_t load_data_in_thread (load_args args)
void load_data_blocking (load_args args)
listget_paths (char *filename)
void hierarchy_predictions (float *predictions, int n, tree *hier, int only_leaves, int stride)
void change_leaves (tree *t, char *leaf_list)
int find_int_arg (int argc, char **argv, char *arg, int def)
float find_float_arg (int argc, char **argv, char *arg, float def)
int find_arg (int argc, char *argv[], char *arg)
char * find_char_arg (int argc, char **argv, char *arg, char *def)
char * basecfg (char *cfgfile)
void find_replace (char *str, char *orig, char *rep, char *output)
void free_ptrs (void **ptrs, int n)
char * fgetl (FILE *fp)
void strip (char *s)
float sec (clock_t clocks)
void ** list_to_array (list *l)
void top_k (float *a, int n, int k, int *index)
int * read_map (char *filename)
void error (const char *s)
int max_index (float *a, int n)
int max_int_index (int *a, int n)
int sample_array (float *a, int n)
int * random_index_order (int min, int max)
void free_list (list *l)
float mse_array (float *a, int n)
float variance_array (float *a, int n)
float mag_array (float *a, int n)
void scale_array (float *a, int n, float s)
float mean_array (float *a, int n)
float sum_array (float *a, int n)
void normalize_array (float *a, int n)
int * read_intlist (char *s, int *n, int d)
size_t rand_size_t ()
float rand_normal ()
float rand_uniform (float min, float max)


int gpu_index

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SECRET_NUM   -1234

Definition at line 8 of file darknet.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ detection

typedef struct detection detection

◆ layer

typedef struct layer layer

Definition at line 117 of file darknet.h.

◆ list

typedef struct list list

◆ load_args

typedef struct load_args load_args

◆ matrix

typedef struct matrix matrix

◆ network

typedef struct network network

Definition at line 114 of file darknet.h.

◆ node

typedef struct node node

Enumeration Type Documentation



Definition at line 56 of file darknet.h.



Definition at line 60 of file darknet.h.



Definition at line 97 of file darknet.h.

◆ data_type

enum data_type

Definition at line 547 of file darknet.h.



Definition at line 64 of file darknet.h.

◆ learning_rate_policy


Definition at line 430 of file darknet.h.

Function Documentation

◆ axpy_cpu()

void axpy_cpu ( int  N,
float  ALPHA,
float *  X,
int  INCX,
float *  Y,
int  INCY 

Definition at line 178 of file blas.c.

◆ backward_network()

void backward_network ( network net)

Definition at line 263 of file network.c.

◆ basecfg()

char* basecfg ( char *  cfgfile)

Definition at line 179 of file utils.c.

◆ best_3d_shift_r()

int best_3d_shift_r ( image  a,
image  b,
int  min,
int  max 

Definition at line 881 of file image.c.

◆ box_iou()

float box_iou ( box  a,
box  b 

Definition at line 179 of file box.c.

◆ censor_image()

void censor_image ( image  im,
int  dx,
int  dy,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 411 of file image.c.

◆ center_crop_image()

image center_crop_image ( image  im,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 796 of file image.c.

◆ change_leaves()

void change_leaves ( tree t,
char *  leaf_list 

Definition at line 7 of file tree.c.

◆ composite_3d()

void composite_3d ( char *  f1,
char *  f2,
char *  out,
int  delta 

Definition at line 913 of file image.c.

◆ concat_data()

data concat_data ( data  d1,
data  d2 

Definition at line 1382 of file data.c.

◆ constrain_image()

void constrain_image ( image  im)

Definition at line 456 of file image.c.

◆ copy_cpu()

void copy_cpu ( int  N,
float *  X,
int  INCX,
float *  Y,
int  INCY 

Definition at line 226 of file blas.c.

◆ copy_data()

data copy_data ( data  d)

Definition at line 1592 of file data.c.

◆ copy_image()

image copy_image ( image  p)

Definition at line 519 of file image.c.

◆ crop_image()

image crop_image ( image  im,
int  dx,
int  dy,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 861 of file image.c.

◆ csv_to_matrix()

matrix csv_to_matrix ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 133 of file matrix.c.

◆ demo()

void demo ( char *  cfgfile,
char *  weightfile,
float  thresh,
int  cam_index,
const char *  filename,
char **  names,
int  classes,
int  frame_skip,
char *  prefix,
int  avg,
float  hier_thresh,
int  w,
int  h,
int  fps,
int  fullscreen 

Definition at line 359 of file demo.c.

◆ denormalize_connected_layer()

void denormalize_connected_layer ( layer  l)

Definition at line 199 of file connected_layer.c.

◆ denormalize_convolutional_layer()

void denormalize_convolutional_layer ( layer  l)

Definition at line 330 of file convolutional_layer.c.

◆ do_nms_obj()

void do_nms_obj ( detection dets,
int  total,
int  classes,
float  thresh 

Definition at line 21 of file box.c.

◆ do_nms_sort()

void do_nms_sort ( detection dets,
int  total,
int  classes,
float  thresh 

Definition at line 58 of file box.c.

◆ dot_cpu()

float dot_cpu ( int  N,
float *  X,
int  INCX,
float *  Y,
int  INCY 

Definition at line 297 of file blas.c.

◆ draw_box_width()

void draw_box_width ( image  a,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  w,
float  r,
float  g,
float  b 

Definition at line 202 of file image.c.

◆ draw_detections()

void draw_detections ( image  im,
detection dets,
int  num,
float  thresh,
char **  names,
image **  alphabet,
int  classes 

Definition at line 239 of file image.c.

◆ draw_label()

void draw_label ( image  a,
int  r,
int  c,
image  label,
const float *  rgb 

Definition at line 149 of file image.c.

◆ error()

void error ( const char *  s)

Definition at line 253 of file utils.c.

◆ fgetl()

char* fgetl ( FILE *  fp)

Definition at line 335 of file utils.c.

◆ fill_cpu()

void fill_cpu ( int  N,
float  ALPHA,
float *  X,
int  INCX 

Definition at line 190 of file blas.c.

◆ fill_image()

void fill_image ( image  m,
float  s 

Definition at line 843 of file image.c.

◆ find_arg()

int find_arg ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
char *  arg 

Definition at line 120 of file utils.c.

◆ find_char_arg()

char* find_char_arg ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
char *  arg,
char *  def 

Definition at line 163 of file utils.c.

◆ find_float_arg()

float find_float_arg ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
char *  arg,
float  def 

Definition at line 148 of file utils.c.

◆ find_int_arg()

int find_int_arg ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
char *  arg,
int  def 

Definition at line 133 of file utils.c.

◆ find_replace()

void find_replace ( char *  str,
char *  orig,
char *  rep,
char *  output 

Definition at line 216 of file utils.c.

◆ flip_image()

void flip_image ( image  a)

Definition at line 349 of file image.c.

◆ float_to_box()

box float_to_box ( float *  f,
int  stride 

Definition at line 91 of file box.c.

◆ float_to_image()

image float_to_image ( int  w,
int  h,
int  c,
float *  data 

Definition at line 774 of file image.c.

◆ forward_network()

void forward_network ( network net)

Definition at line 188 of file network.c.

◆ free_data()

void free_data ( data  d)

Definition at line 665 of file data.c.

◆ free_detections()

void free_detections ( detection dets,
int  n 

Definition at line 569 of file network.c.

◆ free_image()

void free_image ( image  m)

Definition at line 1614 of file image.c.

◆ free_layer()

void free_layer ( layer  )

Definition at line 6 of file layer.c.

◆ free_list()

void free_list ( list l)

Definition at line 67 of file list.c.

◆ free_matrix()

void free_matrix ( matrix  m)

Definition at line 10 of file matrix.c.

◆ free_network()

void free_network ( network net)

Definition at line 716 of file network.c.

◆ free_ptrs()

void free_ptrs ( void **  ptrs,
int  n 

Definition at line 328 of file utils.c.

◆ get_base_args()

load_args get_base_args ( network net)

Definition at line 35 of file network.c.

◆ get_current_batch()

size_t get_current_batch ( network net)

Definition at line 63 of file network.c.

◆ get_current_rate()

float get_current_rate ( network net)

Definition at line 90 of file network.c.

◆ get_detection_detections()

void get_detection_detections ( layer  l,
int  w,
int  h,
float  thresh,
detection dets 

Definition at line 225 of file detection_layer.c.

◆ get_label()

image get_label ( image **  characters,
char *  string,
int  size 

Definition at line 132 of file image.c.

◆ get_labels()

char** get_labels ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 657 of file data.c.

◆ get_metadata()

metadata get_metadata ( char *  file)

Definition at line 35 of file option_list.c.

◆ get_network_boxes()

detection* get_network_boxes ( network net,
int  w,
int  h,
float  thresh,
float  hier,
int *  map,
int  relative,
int *  num 

Definition at line 562 of file network.c.

◆ get_network_image()

image get_network_image ( network net)

Definition at line 466 of file network.c.

◆ get_network_image_layer()

image get_network_image_layer ( network net,
int  i 

Definition at line 453 of file network.c.

◆ get_network_output_layer()

layer get_network_output_layer ( network net)

Definition at line 699 of file network.c.

◆ get_next_batch()

void get_next_batch ( data  d,
int  n,
int  offset,
float *  X,
float *  y 

Definition at line 1459 of file data.c.

◆ get_paths()

list* get_paths ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 12 of file data.c.

◆ get_region_detections()

void get_region_detections ( layer  l,
int  w,
int  h,
int  netw,
int  neth,
float  thresh,
int *  map,
float  tree_thresh,
int  relative,
detection dets 

Definition at line 364 of file region_layer.c.

◆ get_weights()

image* get_weights ( layer  l)

Definition at line 591 of file convolutional_layer.c.

◆ get_yolo_detections()

int get_yolo_detections ( layer  l,
int  w,
int  h,
int  netw,
int  neth,
float  thresh,
int *  map,
int  relative,
detection dets 

Definition at line 316 of file yolo_layer.c.

◆ ghost_image()

void ghost_image ( image  source,
image  dest,
int  dx,
int  dy 

Definition at line 380 of file image.c.

◆ grayscale_image()

image grayscale_image ( image  im)

Definition at line 1212 of file image.c.

◆ grayscale_image_3c()

void grayscale_image_3c ( image  im)

Definition at line 1194 of file image.c.

◆ hierarchy_predictions()

void hierarchy_predictions ( float *  predictions,
int  n,
tree hier,
int  only_leaves,
int  stride 

Definition at line 37 of file tree.c.

◆ letterbox_image()

image letterbox_image ( image  im,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 964 of file image.c.

◆ list_to_array()

void** list_to_array ( list l)

Definition at line 82 of file list.c.

◆ load_all_cifar10()

data load_all_cifar10 ( )

Definition at line 1481 of file data.c.

◆ load_alphabet()

image** load_alphabet ( )

Definition at line 223 of file image.c.

◆ load_cifar10_data()

data load_cifar10_data ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 1422 of file data.c.

◆ load_data()

pthread_t load_data ( load_args  args)

Definition at line 1180 of file data.c.

◆ load_data_blocking()

void load_data_blocking ( load_args  args)

Definition at line 1173 of file data.c.

◆ load_data_in_thread()

pthread_t load_data_in_thread ( load_args  args)

Definition at line 1135 of file data.c.

◆ load_data_old()

data load_data_old ( char **  paths,
int  n,
int  m,
char **  labels,
int  k,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 1204 of file data.c.

◆ load_image()

image load_image ( char *  filename,
int  w,
int  h,
int  c 

Definition at line 1470 of file image.c.

◆ load_image_color()

image load_image_color ( char *  filename,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 1486 of file image.c.

◆ load_network()

network* load_network ( char *  cfg,
char *  weights,
int  clear 

Definition at line 53 of file network.c.

◆ load_weights()

void load_weights ( network net,
char *  filename 

Definition at line 1308 of file parser.c.

◆ load_weights_upto()

void load_weights_upto ( network net,
char *  filename,
int  start,
int  cutoff 

Definition at line 1218 of file parser.c.

◆ mag_array()

float mag_array ( float *  a,
int  n 

Definition at line 574 of file utils.c.

◆ make_image()

image make_image ( int  w,
int  h,
int  c 

Definition at line 756 of file image.c.

◆ make_matrix()

matrix make_matrix ( int  rows,
int  cols 

Definition at line 91 of file matrix.c.

◆ make_random_image()

image make_random_image ( int  w,
int  h,
int  c 

Definition at line 763 of file image.c.

◆ mask_to_rgb()

image mask_to_rgb ( image  mask)

Definition at line 28 of file image.c.

◆ matrix_add_matrix()

void matrix_add_matrix ( matrix  from,
matrix  to 

Definition at line 66 of file matrix.c.

◆ matrix_to_csv()

void matrix_to_csv ( matrix  m)

Definition at line 161 of file matrix.c.

◆ matrix_topk_accuracy()

float matrix_topk_accuracy ( matrix  truth,
matrix  guess,
int  k 

Definition at line 17 of file matrix.c.

◆ max_index()

int max_index ( float *  a,
int  n 

Definition at line 619 of file utils.c.

◆ max_int_index()

int max_int_index ( int *  a,
int  n 

Definition at line 605 of file utils.c.

◆ mean_array()

float mean_array ( float *  a,
int  n 

Definition at line 487 of file utils.c.

◆ mse_array()

float mse_array ( float *  a,
int  n 

Definition at line 546 of file utils.c.

◆ network_accuracies()

float* network_accuracies ( network net,
data  d,
int  n 

Definition at line 689 of file network.c.

◆ network_accuracy()

float network_accuracy ( network net,
data  d 

Definition at line 681 of file network.c.

◆ network_detect()

void network_detect ( network net,
image  im,
float  thresh,
float  hier_thresh,
float  nms,
detection dets 

◆ network_height()

int network_height ( network net)

Definition at line 589 of file network.c.

◆ network_predict()

float* network_predict ( network net,
float *  input 

Definition at line 497 of file network.c.

◆ network_predict_data()

matrix network_predict_data ( network net,
data  test 

Definition at line 616 of file network.c.

◆ network_predict_image()

float* network_predict_image ( network net,
image  im 

Definition at line 579 of file network.c.

◆ network_width()

int network_width ( network net)

Definition at line 588 of file network.c.

◆ normalize_array()

void normalize_array ( float *  a,
int  n 

Definition at line 554 of file utils.c.

◆ normalize_cpu()

void normalize_cpu ( float *  x,
float *  mean,
float *  variance,
int  batch,
int  filters,
int  spatial 

Definition at line 147 of file blas.c.

◆ normalize_image()

void normalize_image ( image  p)

Definition at line 465 of file image.c.

◆ option_find_int()

int option_find_int ( list l,
char *  key,
int  def 

Definition at line 112 of file option_list.c.

◆ option_find_int_quiet()

int option_find_int_quiet ( list l,
char *  key,
int  def 

Definition at line 120 of file option_list.c.

◆ option_find_str()

char* option_find_str ( list l,
char *  key,
char *  def 

Definition at line 104 of file option_list.c.

◆ parse_network_cfg()

network* parse_network_cfg ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 742 of file parser.c.

◆ rand_normal()

float rand_normal ( )

Definition at line 654 of file utils.c.

◆ rand_size_t()

size_t rand_size_t ( )

Definition at line 686 of file utils.c.

◆ rand_uniform()

float rand_uniform ( float  min,
float  max 

Definition at line 698 of file utils.c.

◆ random_distort_image()

void random_distort_image ( image  im,
float  hue,
float  saturation,
float  exposure 

Definition at line 1334 of file image.c.

◆ random_index_order()

int* random_index_order ( int  min,
int  max 

Definition at line 97 of file utils.c.

◆ read_boxes()

box_label* read_boxes ( char *  filename,
int *  n 

Definition at line 139 of file data.c.

◆ read_cfg()

list * read_cfg ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 891 of file parser.c.

◆ read_data_cfg()

list* read_data_cfg ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 7 of file option_list.c.

◆ read_file()

unsigned char* read_file ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 260 of file utils.c.

◆ read_intlist()

int* read_intlist ( char *  s,
int *  n,
int  d 

Definition at line 36 of file utils.c.

◆ read_map()

int* read_map ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 59 of file utils.c.

◆ read_tree()

tree* read_tree ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 83 of file tree.c.

◆ rescale_weights()

void rescale_weights ( layer  l,
float  scale,
float  trans 

Definition at line 578 of file convolutional_layer.c.

◆ reset_network_state()

void reset_network_state ( network net,
int  b 

Definition at line 69 of file network.c.

◆ resize_data()

data resize_data ( data  orig,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 1320 of file data.c.

◆ resize_image()

image resize_image ( image  im,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 1351 of file image.c.

◆ resize_max()

image resize_max ( image  im,
int  max 

Definition at line 985 of file image.c.

◆ resize_min()

image resize_min ( image  im,
int  min 

Definition at line 1001 of file image.c.

◆ resize_network()

int resize_network ( network net,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 358 of file network.c.

◆ rgbgr_image()

void rgbgr_image ( image  im)

Definition at line 527 of file image.c.

◆ rgbgr_weights()

void rgbgr_weights ( layer  l)

Definition at line 567 of file convolutional_layer.c.

◆ rotate_image()

image rotate_image ( image  m,
float  rad 

Definition at line 824 of file image.c.

◆ rotate_image_cw()

void rotate_image_cw ( image  im,
int  times 

Definition at line 328 of file image.c.

◆ sample_array()

int sample_array ( float *  a,
int  n 

Definition at line 592 of file utils.c.

◆ save_image()

void save_image ( image  p,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 717 of file image.c.

◆ save_image_png()

void save_image_png ( image  im,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 700 of file image.c.

◆ save_weights()

void save_weights ( network net,
char *  filename 

Definition at line 1080 of file parser.c.

◆ save_weights_upto()

void save_weights_upto ( network net,
char *  filename,
int  cutoff 

Definition at line 1007 of file parser.c.

◆ scal_cpu()

void scal_cpu ( int  N,
float  ALPHA,
float *  X,
int  INCX 

Definition at line 184 of file blas.c.

◆ scale_array()

void scale_array ( float *  a,
int  n,
float  s 

Definition at line 584 of file utils.c.

◆ scale_matrix()

void scale_matrix ( matrix  m,
float  scale 

Definition at line 37 of file matrix.c.

◆ sec()

float sec ( clock_t  clocks)

Definition at line 232 of file utils.c.

◆ select_data()

data select_data ( data orig,
int *  inds 

Definition at line 1270 of file data.c.

◆ set_batch_network()

void set_batch_network ( network net,
int  b 

Definition at line 339 of file network.c.

◆ set_temp_network()

void set_temp_network ( network net,
float  t 

Definition at line 330 of file network.c.

◆ show_image()

int show_image ( image  p,
const char *  name,
int  ms 

Definition at line 575 of file image.c.

◆ softmax()

void softmax ( float *  input,
int  n,
float  temp,
int  stride,
float *  output 

Definition at line 305 of file blas.c.

◆ statistics_connected_layer()

void statistics_connected_layer ( layer  l)

Definition at line 215 of file connected_layer.c.

◆ strip()

void strip ( char *  s)

Definition at line 302 of file utils.c.

◆ sum_array()

float sum_array ( float *  a,
int  n 

Definition at line 479 of file utils.c.

◆ test_resize()

void test_resize ( char *  filename)

Definition at line 1396 of file image.c.

◆ threshold_image()

image threshold_image ( image  im,
float  thresh 

Definition at line 1228 of file image.c.

◆ tile_data()

data* tile_data ( data  orig,
int  divs,
int  size 

Definition at line 1293 of file data.c.

◆ top_k()

void top_k ( float *  a,
int  n,
int  k,
int *  index 

Definition at line 237 of file utils.c.

◆ top_predictions()

void top_predictions ( network net,
int  n,
int *  index 

Definition at line 491 of file network.c.

◆ train_network()

float train_network ( network net,
data  d 

Definition at line 314 of file network.c.

◆ train_network_datum()

float train_network_datum ( network net)

Definition at line 289 of file network.c.

◆ train_network_sgd()

float train_network_sgd ( network net,
data  d,
int  n 

Definition at line 300 of file network.c.

◆ update_network()

void update_network ( network net)

Definition at line 213 of file network.c.

◆ variance_array()

float variance_array ( float *  a,
int  n 

Definition at line 514 of file utils.c.

◆ visualize_network()

void visualize_network ( network net)

Definition at line 477 of file network.c.

◆ what_time_is_it_now()

double what_time_is_it_now ( )

Definition at line 27 of file utils.c.

◆ zero_objectness()

void zero_objectness ( layer  l)

Definition at line 497 of file region_layer.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ gpu_index

int gpu_index

Definition at line 1 of file cuda.c.